she interviewed the applicants who survived the screening 意味
- 選別されて残った応募者に面接をした.
- she she 先方 せんぽう 彼女 かのじょ 同氏 どうし あの方 あのかた 彼奴 あいつ あの人 あのひと
- who who pron. だれ. 【+動詞】 Who's calling? (電話で)どちらさまですか Who cares? 《口語》
- screening screening n. ふるい分け, 選別, 検査; 上映, 映写. 【動詞+】 give a free screening of a
- people who've survived the war 戦争{せんそう}を生き延びた人々{ひとびと}
- who's he she, etc. when he's at home Whó's he [she, etc.] when he's [she's,etc.] at hóme? ((略式))(人の名前を聞き返して)その人はいったいだれのこと? いったい何者だ.
- she she 先方 せんぽう 彼女 かのじょ 同氏 どうし あの方 あのかた 彼奴 あいつ あの人 あのひと
- she's {1} : she is の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : she has の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- survived by a wife 《be ~》妻を残して先に逝く
- she she {名} :
- she-she {名} : 若い女
- interviewed by the newspapers 《be ~》新聞{しんぶん}の取材{しゅざい}を受ける
- interviewed on the television 《be ~》テレビの取材{しゅざい}を受ける
- interviewed periodically by 《be ~》定期的に(人)による面接を受ける
- screening screening n. ふるい分け, 選別, 検査; 上映, 映写. 【動詞+】 give a free screening of a movie 映画の無料上映会を催す A special screening will be held on Saturday at the Rex Cinema. レックスシネマで土曜日に特別上映会が催される intro
- people that survived the attack 攻撃{こうげき}[襲撃{しゅうげき}]を生き延びた人々{ひとびと}
- "she interpreted his remark into french for me" 意味
- "she interpreted his remarks broadly to mean he was not interested in opera" 意味
- "she interpreted this as a sign of approval" 意味